
Do I have Covidsomnia?

I'm Olivia!

IF you want raw, real and unfiltered Olivia, my blog is where you'll find it.

Here, I'll share the highlights of my sleep expert life, as well as the highlights - and lowlights - of my personal life too.

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Anxiety. Uncertainty. Lockdowns. Loss of routine. Lack of sleep. And this, my friends, is covidsomnia.

Collectively contributing to widespread sleep problems, covidsomnia – yes, it’s a clinical term – is rearing it’s ugly head again. 

Todays article is going to share how covidsomnia is changing our sleeping patterns, and what to do about it if it’s affecting yours.

How is covid changing our sleep?

First time round, one study found the rate of Australian’s with poor sleep almost doubled rising from 25% to 46%. They also reported that 41% of Aussies are now waking frequently during the night.

An academic paper noted similar results: 41% of Aussies are now sleeping worse, post covid vs pre covid.

So all in all – if you’ve noticed your sleep has become increasingly problematic since the return of COVID don’t be surprised – I suspect these findings would be mirrored, if we were to conduct parallel studies. 

What can we do about covidsomnia?

If you read last weeks article around the power of sleep psychology, you’re well across the principle: our belief system shapes our sleep. 

So, with reference to COVID, admitting that it’s completely out of our control is a great place to start. Rather than rendering us powerless, this does the exact opposite: it empowers us more than we can know.

Essentially, if we believe we can control it, we subconsciously and consciously will take action to modify it. While this is not only senseless in itself, given the viral nature of the condition, it also draws energy away from what we can control – such as our bedtime routine.

How else can we manage covidsomnia? 

Practicing anti-anxiety activities is a must: from calming meditation practices to stress relieving essential exercise, all the way through to calling your bestie on facetime.

Another critical step in managing Covidsomnia is seeking help: chronic sleep loss is not only a problem to your energy levels, but also your mental health too. Find out about my private sleep coaching by clicking here, or fill out my contact form here. You aren’t a sleep expert, nor should you have all the answers on how to sleep properly – that’s what individuals like myself are here for. Thus – if you’re concerned about the quality of your sleep night after night, reach out. 

Third, be gentle on yourself. If you aren’t as upbeat and perky as you usually are, be ok with it. No one’s expecting you to be 100% if you’re not sleeping properly, so you shouldn’t either. Be ok with not being ok, and allow others to do the same. 

Remember – we’re all in this together. 

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smart, savvy and more than just a sleep expert.

Hi, I'm Olivia.

If you want raw, real and unfiltered Olivia, my blog is where you'll find it.
As an author and avid writer, I find immense pleasure in sharing the ins and outs - without holding back - of my journey through life.
Professionally, I'm a sleep expert - but i'm guessing you already know that.
Personally, I'm a free-flowing, idealistic introvert who loves to travel, dance and enjoy an Aperol Spritz.

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