
Free Download: Track Sleep Goals For A Healthy Sleep Habits!

Sleep Goal Tracker
I'm Olivia!

IF you want raw, real and unfiltered Olivia, my blog is where you'll find it.

Here, I'll share the highlights of my sleep expert life, as well as the highlights - and lowlights - of my personal life too.

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Track Your Healthy Sleep Habits

Ever struggled to make your good intentions and sleep goals last more than a few days?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

This is one of the most common challenges I see with my clients and non clients alike – it’s not that you don’t have the strategy, you just don’t have the system for long term success.

But hey – you’re not perfect and as your sleep coach, that’s what I’m here to help you with.

Before I go into it though, know this isn’t just YOU – this is a commonplace challenge for ALL.

Main limitation for Healthy Sleep Habits?

We don’t fully commit – to ourselves or to others.

Rather, we make wishy washy announcements like

“tomorrow, i’m going to go to bed earlier, I promise!”.

And, though this is well intended, it doesn’t give us a specific blueprint – it’s undefined and unstructured.

Consider this statement against this:

“tomorrow, I am going to go to bed at 10pm, and I am going to have an alarm to remind me to go to bed so I don’t forget.

I am also going to have my partner or best friend send a text at 930pm, 30 minutes earlier, to check in and make sure i’m on track.

See how different that is?!

Imagine how much of a difference this makes!

Scientifically, setting up your sleep goals like this has a tremendous impact on your likelihood of achieving them.

In fact, research by the American Society of Training and Development found:

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal
  • Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25%
  • Deciding when you will do it: 40%
  • Planning how to do it: 50%
  • Committing to someone that you will do it: 65%
  • Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95%

Incredible, right!


So in the absence of being your accountability partner, I want to make it easier for you to track your healthy sleep habits, so you stay on track.

As a gift for you, I’ve created a downloadable goal tracking sheet – specifically for sleep. Inside, I’ve added my signature bedtime routine for you, however you can adapt it as you see fit.

And of course, I have created one for each chronotype (sleep type) too.

Lion’s Sleep Goal Tracking Sheet

Bear’s Sleep Goal Tracking Sheet

Wolf’s Sleep Goal Tracking Sheet

If you aren’t sure your sleep type, click here to take my FREE chronotype quiz!

If you are struggling with insomnia, sleep apnea, your circadian rhythm, sleep hygiene – this will be SO helpful for you.

Download your FREE sleep tracker sheet now!

Olivia x

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smart, savvy and more than just a sleep expert.

Hi, I'm Olivia.

If you want raw, real and unfiltered Olivia, my blog is where you'll find it.
As an author and avid writer, I find immense pleasure in sharing the ins and outs - without holding back - of my journey through life.
Professionally, I'm a sleep expert - but i'm guessing you already know that.
Personally, I'm a free-flowing, idealistic introvert who loves to travel, dance and enjoy an Aperol Spritz.

Thank you for reading my blog - if you want to know more about me, click below.

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sharing sleep strategies that enable your best you.

Olivia Arezzolo is a World Leading Sleep Expert and Author;
go-to guru for Fox, Sky News, New York Post and Forbes;
and bestselling Bear, Lion, Wolf, published in 10 countries.